OneSign Non-Clinical Upsell Campaign

Benefit from Imprivata OneSign®

  • 23M

    hours saved

  • 2633

    years given back to customers

  • $3.4B

    time savings

Keep your entire enterprise secure

You already know about the benefits of single sign-on for your clinical staff – more time back, less frustration, easy access workflows. But those same benefits can be extended to the rest of your organization, too.

And there’s an increasing need for you to do just that. If you’ve only secured access for your clinical staff, you’re leaving some gaps in your security strategy.

By extending Imprivata OneSign to the rest of your staff, you get:

  • One solution, from one vendor, who you (and your clinicians!) already trust
  • A key solution that helps to keep your cyber insurance costs down and prevent GDPR breaches
  • Peace of mind, knowing your entire enterprise is protected

Make sure you keep your entire enterprise secure.

Icon of a clock
Give users time back

End users need to access applications quickly. Imprivata OneSign streamlines access to give time back.

Icon of a phone and desktop with check signs
Reduce risk and complexity

Replace multiple vendors with one solution that enables access to all enterprise and clinical applications, shared workstations, and virtual desktops.

Icon of a login UI
Say goodbye to help desk calls

Self-service password management offers users a fast, easy, and secure way to retrieve forgotten passwords or set new ones without calling the help desk.

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