Enterprise single sign-on

Legacy Body

Reduce the cost and complexity of password security


Password security management can be a major headache for users and enterprise IT departments alike, as password policy can cause frustration for users when they have multiple passwords to remember. End users often write their passwords down and leave them by their workstation – a serious enterprise security issue. Or they may forget their passwords, which leads to time spent calling the IT help desk for a password reset, and halts productivity.

Enterprise single sign-on (SSO) solutions can potentially resolve these issues by enabling users to sign in just once to the network, access all of their applications, eliminate password headaches, and allow for greater productivity. When organizations want to deploy an enterprise single sign-on software solution that they know will offer all the benefits of SSO, and is affordable and easy to manage, they turn to Imprivata.


Imprivata delivers the leading enterprise single sign-on solution


Imprivata OneSign is the leading enterprise single sign-on and virtual desktop access platform that enables fast, secure, No Click Access to data. It is an appliance-based solution for password management and access. Imprivata OneSign is easy to implement - there is no code to write, no directories to modify, and no inconvenient changes to end user workflow. Imprivata OneSign is a complete package, with no additional software to purchase or hardware to install or maintain, which reduces installation costs and time to implement, making users happy to have eliminated password headaches and delivering faster return on investment.


A single solution for enterprise password security


Imprivata OneSign Single Sign-On delivers password management solutions and more right out of the box, helping you to:

  • Enable all enterprise applications for single sign-on. Imprivata OneSign gives administrators a drag-and-drop interface that helps enable applications for Single Sign-On quickly and easily. OneSign supports all applications, including legacy, client/server, JAVA, and Web.
  • Automate many password management tasks. Imprivata OneSign automates much of the work of password management, including generation of strong random passwords, password changes on behalf of employees, and self service password reset.
  • Provide built-in support for authentication options. Imprivata OneSign offers native support for many strong authentication technologies, giving the enterprise flexible use of mutlifactor authentication devices, including ID cards, smart cards, proximity cards, finger biometrics, OTP tokens, ID tokens, and more.
  • Provide simplified reporting capabilities for regulatory compliance. By collecting data about all access events into a single central database, and providing standardized reporting functionality, OneSign lets administrators create custom or pre-structured reports quickly and easily, helping to streamline regulatory reporting.
  • Provide simplified reporting capabilities for regulatory compliance. By collecting data about all access events into a single central database, and providing standardized reporting functionality, Imprivata OneSign lets administrators create custom or pre-structured reports quickly and easily, helping to streamline regulatory reporting.

Enterprise single sign-on resources

20 Practical Tips on Single Sign-On
20 Practical Tips on Single Sign-On

For a successful enterprise Single Sign-On deployment you need expert advice - not from a vendor - but from actual peers who have deployed SSO and authentication. So we asked our customers what advice they'd give to other IT executives contemplating Single Sign-On.

Evaluation Tool for SSO Vendors
Evaluation Tool for SSO Vendors

Are you considering implementing an enterprise SSO solution? The Imprivata SSO Vendor Evaluation Checklist is designed to help you select the solution that best matches your organization’s needs and priorities. It incorporates customer learnings from thousands of successful SSO deployments.

Request a Demo
Request a Demo

Request a demonstration and learn more about Imprivata OneSign.