Enterprise Access Management Analytics

Point, click, and know with EAM Analytics

Pre-built dashboards customizable to your organization provide data visualization and drill down capabilities without the time-consuming task of writing queries. Save time and get the answers you need quickly.

Enterprise access management professional with reflection of computer in glasses

Enterprise Access Management (EAM) Analytics capabilities

checkmark icon
EAM data visualization

Understand the success of SSO or any gaps to resolve issues quickly

Monitor ID checkmark icon red
End-user issue detection

Drill down into specific user’s issues to speed up resolution times

Bargraph increase icon red
Trend tracking

Track trends on issues to help IT focus resources appropriately

Easy button icon red
Fast dashboard creation

Save time with quick dashboards for data without writing queries

Magnifying glass alert icon red
Proactive alerting

Help IT quickly investigate issues and resolve in a timely manner.

Password enter monitor icon red
Workstation usage

See which workstations are logged into most and where more training might be needed

Analyze and act on your Enterprise Access Management data

Utilize the power of your EAM data to gather operational insights to help drive productivity and find areas of potential risk or improvement

Demo video Low workstation usage
Demo video User password login
Insights into Login Methods
Get the who, when, where and how for logins
Understand various login methods to find efficiency gains for workstations
Visibility across the enterprise
Next level data insights on all applications
By bringing in all data across your enterprise, EAM Analytics can provide new, actionable insights
ROI Value
Data insights to provide areas for ROI
Save on workstations, or other IT operational spending
Proactive issue detection
Alerting capabilities on specific workflow behaviors to stay in the know
Alerts enable fast response times and the understanding of where to allocate resources

Driving innovation and interoperability

Imprivata ensures the highest level of security and fast workflows for authorized users. Discover recently released features and future items in our product roadmaps.

Two corporate employees viewing a tablet