Hands free authentication software

Hands free authentication software


Enabling exceptionally fast, secure, and convenient two-factor authentication

Hands Free Authentication is a breakthrough authentication solution that delivers exceptional speed, security, and convenience for providers while meeting DEA two-factor authentication requirements for electronic prescribing of controlled substances (EPCS).

An optional feature of Imprivata Confirm ID, the most comprehensive platform for meeting the DEA’s authentication requirements for EPCS, Hands Free Authentication automatically completes one of the two authentication factors required for EPCS by wirelessly retrieving and verifying a one-time password (OTP) from the Imprivata ID application on a provider’s mobile device, even if it is locked and/or in the user’s pocket. This transforms multifactor authentication workflows, especially when combined with fingerprint biometrics, by eliminating the need to manually enter a password or type an OTP from a hardware or software token code generator, which disrupts workflows and frustrates providers, creates inefficiency, and detracts from patient care.

Hands Free Authentication delivers unparalleled speed and convenience that minimizes impact to clinical workflows, increases provider satisfaction, and drives EPCS adoption. It also provides IT with greater flexibility to leverage the authentication solutions that best meet their organizational requirements—The Imprivata ID application can serve as a traditional soft token generator when Hands Free Authentication is unavailable (for instance, if the provider is prescribing remotely from home or in a clinic).

Imprivata Hands Free Authentication

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