Enterprise SSO

Balancing security and workflow efficiency is often an elusive goal for organizations, but being able to do so is more important than ever. And as new technologies are introduced — and as employees become more mobile — that trend only promises to continue.


The pressure for speed in execution is constant, with users and customers alike being frustrated with waiting for technology to move quickly. On the flip-side, security and efficiency seem to be at odds and IT teams have to find the right way to balance the dynamic between those two critical requirements.


Further complicating the issue is the tightening of budgets for technologies that can manage these challenges. In that environment, an even greater justification for return on investment is required.


With Imprivata OneSign, organizations have been able to usher in an era of better end user and customer experience, as well as financial return.

Calculate your ROI

What’s the value of time for your staff?

How many more customers could be served? How many more workflows could be completed? The answers to those questions, and more, are hypothetical no more.

By streamlining user access workflows, your organization gains back time that would otherwise have been wasted. That means more customers seen, and more work that can be done.

How many users do you have on staff?


Number of shifts worked per week?


Times per shift that a user logs in to a workstation?


Number of apps that a user logs in to with each session?


Insgesamt eingesparte Stunden pro Woche


Insgesamt eingesparte Stunden pro Jahr


With Imprivata OneSign, our data is secure. We can audit and report on all access, and passwords are no longer a burden for our users. In fact, our employees tell us that OneSign is one of the best solutions IT has ever implemented. To date, we have reduced calls to the help desk by 25% for a savings of $7,200 per year.