Versteckte Kosten eines Programms für gemeinsam genutzte mobile Geräte können schnell aus dem Ruder laufen
Entdecken Sie den Mehrwert, den Mobile Access Management (vormals GroundControl) für Ihre mobilen Programme bieten kann. Sehen Sie, wie viel Sie noch heute sparen können!
Investitionen in mobile Technologien optimieren
Produktivität der patientennahen Beschäftigten sowie IT-Teams erhöhen
Flottenmanagement der mobilen Geräte optimieren
Mobile Access Management savings calculator
Labor costs
Device costs
Device management
Device maintenance
End user
Labor costs
Device costs
Device management
*The time spent on enrolling shared devices in Apple's DEP (Device Enrollment Program) and decommissioning shared devices are factored into the calculations in this step, based on industry averages.
Device maintenance
End user
Congratulations, here's your personalized ROI estimate!
Device management savings
Device maintenance savings
End user savings
Estimated Mobile Access and Control cost
* Services associated with this solution must be scoped separately and are not factored in to this ROI Calculator. For more information on our Managed services offerings and ROI please speak with an account representative.