

Imprivata OneSign Single Sign-On for banks and credit unions

Central Minnesota Federal Credit Union. Mazuma Credit Union. Neighborhood Credit Union. Schools Financial Credit Union. Verity Credit Union. These are just a few of the many banks and credit unions that rely on Imprivata OneSign. They use Imprivata OneSign to eliminate staff frustration and reduce customer service problems associated with passwords — while strengthening data security and regulatory compliance.

Secure customer data, lower costs
With Imprivata OneSign, our data is secure. We can audit and report on all access, and passwords are no longer a burden for our users. In fact, our employees tell us that OneSign is one of the best solutions IT has ever implemented. To date, we have reduced calls to the help desk by 25 percent for a savings of $7,200 per year.

Comply with regulatory requirements

Under the Federal Trade Commission’s Safeguard Rule (a ruling that is part of the implementation of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley act) issued in 2002 financial institutions should consider strong passwords as part of their written security plan.

Strong passwords should be at least 6 characters, upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols and they should change regularly.

Imprivata OneSign is helping banks and credit unions meet these requirements. A complete strong authentication and application single sign-on solution, Imprivata OneSign is easy to deploy and supports all systems, websites and SaaS applications, automatically tracking all users’ individual log-in activities to generate audit reports quickly and easily for regulatory compliance purposes.

Eliminate staff frustration

Most banks and credit unions have dozens of password-protected systems and applications, all requiring separate usernames and passwords for access. Frequent log-ins, password resets and system lockouts with all these applications can frustrate your staff and slow down their productivity. Imprivata OneSign solves this problem with a single, strong password or strong authentication device, so your staff can access all their important systems and applications — even those that are outsourced or delivered via third party websites or SaaS.

Free up IT resources

Staff productivity isn't the only thing that suffers when passwords have to be reset. IT staffers get sidetracked when they're pulled off strategic projects to resolve end-user issues. Imprivata OneSign provides a secure, easy-to-use self-service password management portal, enabling staff members to resolve password issues on their own, reducing the burden on your IT staff.

Embrace digital transformation

As technology evolves, organizations need a cloud-enabled solution that transforms slow, repetitive, and error-prone logins into fast, secure, and reliable access into a broad ecosystem of devices and applications, including technologies that are on-premises or in the cloud. By seamlessly integrating regulatory compliance and security into end-user workflows, organizations can confidently meet strict regulatory and compliance demands, and bolster their approach to data security without disrupting the end user experience.