Is the future of access management consolidation?

Not only is cybersecurity changing, but the most recent iteration of the general idea, centered around access management, is itself in flux — threats are constantly changing and technology is evolving faster than most industries can implement. The latest idea: Consolidation. Gartner first floated this trend in their “Gartner Predicts 2022” webinar series, but it’s been talked about for a few years, and the information security space has already seen that concept come to fruition in more than one way. Organizations in the industry are merging, or buying one another, and customers are starting to look at ways they can get more of their security software from fewer vendors. It saves time and money, and more importantly, shifts how we view and interact with access management.

What are the benefits of single platform access management?

1. Reduces complexity for both vendors and companies

Compare your iPhone to an old wall-mounted rotary phone. One is more streamlined, more intuitive, more efficient, and gives you confidence in the technology you're using. The other is an old wall-mounted rotary phone. Back in the day you had the phone (with an analog wheel) that connected to an operator and which notably, unlike the iphone, did not contain your photo albums, your maps, your social media, your email, and every other part of your digital life. That’s the same idea behind consolidating information security platforms. Vendors can combine technologies and interfaces into one system, and organizations can have a simplified experience with that technology.

2. Reduces number of third parties an organization utilizes for their cybersecurity

More third parties equals more risk. Every external connection point is a point where a hacker could gain entry, so limiting those is always a positive. If an organization is just working with one vendor for their cybersecurity, that means just one point of connection, which reduces risk and limits an attack surface.

3. Removes siloed security controls In this modern age of cybersecurity, strong architecture needs to

adapt to meet the needs of an organization and the threats it may face. Neither of those is a constant, so strong architecture should be able to mesh, adapt, and respond. Having a singular platform makes that exponentially easier, as different aspects can communicate and adapt with ease, instead of being siloed off by platform and vendor. 

Does consolidation increase an organization’s cybersecurity?

Simply, yes. More thoroughly:

  • Removing silos and third parties reduces external risk.
  • Integrated software or platforms can respond faster and better to threats, as well as adapt easier to meet threats or organization needs.
  • Allows cybersecurity technology to advance as once competing vendors are now collaborating in regards to software, technology, and innovations.
  • Organizations are often overwhelmed by the complexity of employing cybersecurity, opting for inaction instead. This reduces that hesitation and can increase proactive strategies.

Securelink is following this trend

It’s not new news that SecureLink is now an Imprivata company, but the consolidation is nothing but a benefit for current and future customers. We recommend learning more at our upcoming webinar; but in the meantime, take a look at how we’re integrating our industry-leading third-party software Enterprise Access with Imprivata’s PAM solution. Streamline, simplify, and improve security. That’s the future of cybersecurity.