
Introducing Enterprise Access Management Analytics

Explore how to visualize and act on your data

Smiling business people
Lock icon red
Make security invisible
Enable fast access on any device with transparent solutions that improve user efficiency
Connection icon red
Every complex workflow
Embed security into the most complicated workflows with best practices from thousands of implementations
Monitor ID checkmark icon red
All user identities
Control all identities with the most complete set of capabilities from one vendor


Unlock the power of mobility
Enable secure, real-time access to shared mobile devices and apps
Combat cyberattacks while also enabling fast, consistent access to keep users productive
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Optimize your EHR
Minimize clicks and keystrokes across all EHR apps and workflows
Maximize your investment by streamlining access and authentication from on-prem endpoints and shared mobile devices
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Meet cyber insurance requirements
Deploy robust, easy-to-implement identity management solutions to meet requirements
Meet higher standards and keep premiums down by securing access to sensitive data
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Secure third-party access
Manage third-party risks to safeguard your critical resources
Solve the unique access management challenges of external users to reduce the risk of a third-party breach
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Mitigate ransomware and cyber risks
Eliminate unnecessary access for internal, external, and third-party users
Prevent unauthorized user access and lateral movement without slowing down user productivity
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Protect patient privacy
Safeguard PHI at every step along the care continuum
Prevent inappropriate access to medical records to improve patient privacy, safety, and outcomes
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Improve user workflows
Increase efficiency with fast access to on-prem and cloud endpoints and apps
Simplify secure access across every workflow and connect users with the right resources at the right time
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Automate identity and access management
Simplify the process of granting, revoking, and monitoring access
Deliver role-based, least-privilege access for all internal, external, and third-party users
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Streamline regulatory compliance
Simplify audit recordkeeping and reporting to meet changing regulations
Meet key cybersecurity, data protection, and other industry-specific compliance requirements
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Bottom-line impact through optimization

Align security and user experience to redefine the way your organization works.

  • 70%

    less time spent on security investigations and audits

  • 23B

    hours of end-user time recouped

  • $7B

    customer time savings, to-date

Hear from our customers
All of those time-saving features, which are the fundamental core of Imprivata are the biggest wins…you can count the seconds which turn into hours, turn into months, turn into years of labor that you eventually save.
Hear from our customers
Personally, the system is amazing. From an IT professional perspective of over 20 years, it has been one of the more pleasant systems to support and maintain. The product just works, and the support personnel are phenomenal.
Hear from our customers
By implementing SSO and VDI, CHRISTUS saved over 1400 clinical hours and $92,000 per year, per facility, with a total of 26,301 hours and $2.3 million in projected savings per year.
Hear from our customers
Just like the financial industry, the medical industry has a lot of regulation and personal information that they need to keep secure. Imprivata, in my mind, was clearly built to be used not just in a medical facility but used anywhere
Accenture logo
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Baycare logo
PennState Health logo

Assess your digital identity strategy

Balancing access efficiency, security, and compliance requires a robust digital identity strategy. Assess the maturity of your current identity and access management program to get actionable guidance for a comprehensive plan.

What's new

Blog Post
Your data, your insights: New insights into access analytics data
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Press Release
Imprivata provides untapped, actionable insights into access management with Enterprise Access Management Analytics
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Blog Post
Updates to Imprivata customer and vendor privileged access management solutions enhance connectivity, control, and visibility
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