App Support for Mobile Device Access

Application and Hardware Support for Mobile Device Access



Imprivata Mobile Device Access is the only mobile authentication solution that enables fast, secure access to shared mobile devices and applications. Once authenticated to a device, via a proximity badge tap, the user can seamlessly access applications without the need for manual entry of user credentials. Additionally, Imprivata facilitates the simple, secure hand off of devices between users by ensuring trusted, auditable access in shared-use environments. Below is a list of workflows supported by our Android Mobile Application Partners.

Green checkmark - Known to work

Known to work


Current Partners that Support MDA

VendorAppLogin (automatic / autofill / passwordless)LogoutNotifications (including Voice)
AllscriptsSunrise Mobile (v18.4.10400 or later)N/A
AirStripAirStrip One
AscomDigistat Mobile
AscomUnite Axess for Smart Devices
AscomUnite Collaborate
AscomUnite Personal Alarm
AscomUnite Task
Atos UnifyOpenScape MobileN/A
AttendAnywhereAttendAnywhere Video CallingN/A
BEST Teleprodukter ABBESTmate appN/A
BizRTCuMobility (v7.0.31 and later)N/AN/A
CernerCerner BridgeN/A
CernerCerner Camera CaptureN/A
CernerCerner Connect Messenger
CernerCerner Connect NursingN/A
CernerCerner Connect Patient FlowAppN/A
CernerCerner Connect PhlebotomyN/A
CernerCerner PowerChart TouchN/A
CiscoPhone (v24.3.83049 and later)N/AN/A
CistecKISIM Mobile (v1.21 or later)N/A
DrFirstAkario Backline (v7.4.1.3 or later)
DryrainDryrain Enterprise Browser for Meditech ExpanseN/A
Halo HealthHalo CommunicationsN/A
IatricMobiLab (v1.6.0 or later)N/A
InforLocate (v2.4.0 or later)N/A
InforRoger (v2.5.0 or later)N/A
IQMessengerSmartApp (v10.0.2 or later)N/A
Manhattan ActiveWarehouse ManagementN/A
Mobile HeartbeatMH-CURE (v22.1.5 or later)N/A
NavenioIntelligent Location Solution (v5.0.15 or later)N/A
PhilipsCare AssistN/A
RadiantaAlert ManagerN/A
RF-SmartDelivery (v2.0.0 and later)N/A
RF-SmartPAR (v.2.0.0 and later)N/A
SyftSynergy (v4.5 and later)N/A
TigerConnectClinical Communications for Healthcare Teams (v9.12.17 and later)
VMwareLauncher (v4.6 or later)N/A
VoceraCollaboration Suite (v3.13 or later)
VoceraVina (v10.3 or later)
West-ComMobileCare (v1.2.0 or later)
ZebraIntelligent Cabinet with the Zebra Access Management System (ZAMS) software
ZebraWorkforce Connect: Voice, PTT Pro, and PFM-PFC (v2.0.20205 or later)
ZelloZello (v4.95.0 or later)N/A


Mobile Devices that support MDA:

ItemSupport Information
Ascom Myco 3MDA 6.1 and later
Ascom Myco 4MDA 7.11 and later
Bluebird EF500MDA 5.5 and later
Cisco CP-860SMDA 7.2 and later
Datalogic Memor 10MDA 6.3 and later
Getac ZX10 TabletMDA 7.13.1 and later
Google Pixel 5MDA 7.3 and later
Google Pixel 6MDA 7.9 and later
Google Pixel 7/7a/8/8 ProMDA 7.13.2 and later
Honeywell CT30 XP/XP HCMDA 7.11 and later
Honeywell CT40 HCMDA 6.3 and later
Honeywell CT60MDA 7.14 and later
Panasonic Toughpad FZ-T1MDA 6.3 and later
Samsung A15 5GMDA 7.15 and later
Samsung Active Tab2 (Samsung Model SMT395NZKABTU only)MDA 5.5 and later
Samsung Galaxy S25 UltraMDA 7.16 and later
Samsung Galaxy XCover ProMDA 7.2 and later
Samsung S8MDA 5.5 and later
Samsung S8+MDA 5.5 and later
Samsung xCover 6 Pro7.15 and later
Spectralink VC9253MDA 7.2 and later
Spectralink VersityMDA 5.5 and later
Spectralink Versity 97XXMDA 7.13.2 and later
Zebra ET40/ET45 TabletMDA 6.3 and later
Zebra HC20MDA 7.13.2 and later
Zebra HC50MDA 7.13.2 and later
Zebra TC210KMDA 7.2 and later
Zebra TC26AKMDA 7.3.1 and later
Zebra TC51 HCMDA 5.5 and later
Zebra TC52 HCMDA 6.3 and later
Zebra TC56MDA 5.5 and later
Zebra TC57HOMDA 7.3.1 and later
Zebra TC75MDA 6.3 and later

Not all Applications that come preloaded on these devices (including the phone app) have been Certified to work with Imprivata Single Sign On. Please Reference the ‘Current Partners That Support MDA’ Application list above.

For more information on known issues, contact your account team.

Application vendors looking to partner with Imprivata to enable secure, streamlined mobile application access may contact our Technology Alliances team for more information.