Why MSPs need a critical access management option

Many in the managed service provider (MSP) market are turning to Imprivata to complement their security offerings by implementing a solution that lowers liability, increases efficiency of remote connections, and exceeds clients’ security, audit, and compliance needs. You and your company have earned the status of “trusted advisors” by your customers. Now, imagine the other third parties that are also connecting into your customers’ networks and the vast services and support they provide. Should they be trusted? No. The more remote access connections into your customers’ networks, the greater the risk of a possible data breach due to lack of proper protections and information.

  • 51%  of organizations have experienced a data breach caused by a third party.
  • 67% of organizations do not have visibility of access and permissions by third parties.

The critical access management solution for MSPs

For your demanding customers, you can offer robust protection for mission critical access points and assets with a Critical Access Management solution. Access governance, access monitoring, and access control are the best practices that customers need help addressing. These practices include: 

  • Implementing Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) across users.
  • Auditing all access for better control, compliance, and insights.
  • Creating policies that outline who has access to what and what privileges are needed.

These reasons are why we’re seeing increased adoption of Enterprise Access as a service.  This is when  the MSP manages the remote access of not only themselves, but also of the other third parties that need to access a customer's network. Better visibility, control, and monitoring is needed to keep their customers safe.

How enterprise access protects customers from third-party risks

Step one: The third party self registers on the SecureLink platform. Step two: Once registered, the third party has no access until determined by the customer. ZTNA has been part of the SecureLinkcore architecture since 2003. This best practice, in tandem with least privilege access, is critical to limiting exposure and lateral movement if there is a breach. Also, all credentials are vaulted. Step three: A full and complete audit of the session can be initiated by the third party, which includes HD video and text-based audits. This thorough auditing is helpful in achieving compliance, maintaining SLAs, and creating access visibility. As an MSP, your customers trust you to protect their data and systems that you access while performing your service. With SecureLink, you can have peace of mind that both your company and your clients will be protected during your remote access sessions.