Imprivata ID Troubleshooting

Imprivata ID troubleshooting


This topic addresses common concerns and problems with the Imprivata ID app. If this topic does not address your problem, contact your help desk.


Imprivata ID serial number changing on iOS

We have identified an issue with the Imprivata ID mobile application that may require you and your end users to take corrective action.

Information and updates on this issue are available at


I can't log in or sign orders

There are several situations where Imprivata ID will stop working for you:

  • You replaced your device – Whenever you replace your mobile device, you must re-enroll Imprivata ID before you can use it again.

  • You deleted and re-installed the app – If you delete, then re-install Imprivata ID on the same mobile device, you must re-enroll the app before you can use it again.

  • The app was deleted automatically – Some mobile devices include a feature that automatically deletes apps that it thinks you're not using. If this happens, you must re-install Imprivata ID and re-enroll the app before you can use it again.

To re-enroll Imprivata ID – go to the Enrollment Utility available on your workstation desktop. Click the Imprivata ID icon and select Enroll Authentication Methods.


I'm not receiving notifications

  • The Fast Acccess feature must be enabled. In the Imprivata ID app, click Features, then confirm Fast Access is enabled.
  • Your mobile device includes tools to stop the delivery of notifications from apps. Review these settings to confirm that Imprivata ID has permission to display notifications.
  • Your Android device may include a tool that restricts notifications and services for apps that it thinks you're not using. Review these settings to exclude Imprivata ID from these restrictions.


Bluetooth notifications on my Android device

Newer versions of the Android operating system require a persistent onscreen notification when an app uses Bluetooth.

Imprivata ID uses Bluetooth Low Energy services to enable Simplified E-Prescribing. You can turn off Simplified E-Prescribing: in the Imprivata ID app, click Features, then turn off Simplified E-Prescribing.

NOTE: Imprivata ID has no measurable impact on the most popular consumer devices. You will experience less than 3% overall battery use from the Imprivata ID app. If your device system settings show higher power usage, please contact your help desk.

Imprivata ID is using too much data

Imprivata ID uses less than 1 kilobyte of data per transaction. By comparison, streaming a song to your device uses thousands of kilobytes. If your device system settings show high data use, please contact your help desk.