SSO Password

SSO Password

SSO password solutions enable users while ensuring security


Passwords are a headache for most users - and for most IT departments. The average employee has a dozen or more passwords to keep track of, and those passwords have to change frequently in order to comply with the organizations security policies. Consequently passwords are often forgotten, necessitating costly calls to the IT help desk. Users frequently share passwords to avoid administrative hassle and work faster, but this risks security breaches and creates compliance issues.

Single Sign On (SSO) password authentication offers an easy solution to password headaches by allowing users to sign into the network just once and then authenticate to all the applications they are authorized for without entering additional passwords. But frequently SSO password technology is quite expensive and difficult to deploy and manage, making it difficult to justify the investment. For organizations seeking an SSO password solution, Imprivata OneSign® Single Sign On (SSO) password management is a non-intrusive, affordable and easier to manage solution. That is why organizations around the world are turning to Imprivata.

Imprivata delivers leading SSO password management technology

A leading identity management solution, Imprivata OneSign SSO delivers fast return on investment and simplified password security for organizations of all sizes, in all industries. Imprivata's SSO password technology is packaged in an affordable appliance, reducing the cost and complexity of deployment and ongoing management. With OneSign, there is no application code to change or modification to directories. Users don't need to deal with any inconvenient changes to their workflow. OneSign reduces implementation time, infrastructure needs and installation costs, ensuring fast return on investment and immediate cost savings. There is no additional software or hardware to purchase - OneSign is a non-intrusive affordable SSO password solution.


Automate password management with Imprivata's SSO solution


Imprivata OneSign SSO password management technology enables organizations to realize a number of benefits:

  • Automate password management policy. OneSign eases the administrative burden of SSO password management by automating much of the work of SSO enablement and ongoing management - allowing the administrator to set policy for password changes - automatically in the background.
  • Simplify compliance reporting. OneSign's pre-built reports allow administrators to easily trace, track, and report on SSO password access history, password sharing, and more.
  • Support strong authentication options. OneSign SSO Password solution has built-in support for a range of strong authentication options that include finger biometrics, smart cards, tokens, proximity cards, and more.
  • Implement self-service password reset. Users can reset their own passwords, thus reducing the cost of IT help desk calls.
  • Deploy shared workstations and fast user switching. OneSign offers solutions for shared workstations that include fast user switching between multiple, concurrent Windows workstations ensuring secure access and end user productivity.

Learn more about SSO password solutions from Imprivata or download information about 'What is SSO?' now.

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