Helpful everyday uses for SSO

The days of needing only one or two sets of login credentials are long gone. On average, healthcare professionals must remember eight to 10 passwords for the applications and devices they use. To manage the issue, organizations turn to single sign-on solutions (SSO).

Through a combination of multiple authorization and access control methods, SSO simplifies access to various applications and heightens security.

Why are so many healthcare organizations implementing SSO? Here are some everyday benefits and uses for single sign-on solutions.

Improving user experience

An SSO solution makes the process of logging in fast and easy. Instead of going through the hassle of remembering credentials and plugging them into an application, providers can focus on patient care.

Increasing security

The number one method used by hackers to conduct cyber attacks is through compromising login credentials. When implemented correctly in conjunction with remote access, SSO enables providers to offer a secure and consistent level of authentication across diverse applications.

Facilitating connections

Not all providers use the same applications. For major collaborations among hospitals, primary care physicians, and specialists, devices need the ability to interconnect and easily share data. With a single sign-on solution, organizations consolidate authentication management and enable users to access participating providers’ shared applications.

Saving your help desk time and money

According to Gartner, 20 - 30% of all help desk calls are for password resets, and the average help desk labor cost for a single password reset is $70. SSO makes it so users only need to remember one password and also reduces the occurrence of forgotten credentials.i

Making life easy

Efficient clinical workflows provide quicker access to patient information and improved patient care. An effective SSO solution simplifies HIPAA and HITECH compliance without negatively impacting care providers or IT staff.

