Blog Listing

Image of a person's finder, with a holographic fingerprint on top
Conquer the CISO’s top challenge with powerful identity and access management solutions
A new report on challenges faced by CISOs ranks IAM as a top concern and priority. Are you prepared to meet the identity and access needs of today?
IT security
Don’t slow down: The importance of accelerating your identity and access management investments
Investing in identity and access management solutions is imperative for your organization’s security and bottom line, now more than ever. Find out more!
brain health technology
Navigating the risks of identity governance and artificial intelligence
Identity governance and artificial intelligence can be a beautiful technological marriage that enhances security and optimizes the benefits of technology
Backlit keyboard
Third parties are a major source of ransomware attacks –here’s what you can do about it
Healthcare organizations are particularly vulnerable to ransomware attacks, and nearly half of these attacks enter through third-party access points.
Hard working
The three key phases to achieve a mature privacy monitoring program
Best practices for a mature privacy monitoring program are based in three key phases that build upon one another, and quickly progress in scope and sophi
Nurse with ipad
Imprivata Humans of Healthcare: Tara Gregorio, RN
Our Humans of Healthcare series aims to spotlight medical professionals like Tara – the very foundation of our healthcare system.
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Imprivata Privileged Access Management in 2023: Simplify workflows with new features and enhancements.
Check out the latest improvements we’ve made to Imprivata Privileged Access Management in the first half of 2023.
nurse holding phone
Mobile innovation supports care without barriers. Imprivata supports mobility without risk.
Mobile technology is playing an increasingly important role in enabling clinical workflows, but ensuring its security is still a concern for HDOs.
Doctor writing prescription
The prescription for preventing patient misidentification
Inaccurate patient information can lead to medical record errors and dire consequences for both patients and healthcare delivery organizations. The good news? Biometric patient identification can deliver a proven solution for preventing patient misidentification.
Using large language models like ChatGPT in healthcare: Make sure you understand the risks
ChatGPT opens doors to exciting new possibilities in healthcare, but significant risks remain – particularly when it comes to data privacy and security.
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Cybersecurity leadership panel shares perspective on healthcare IoT and protecting patient data
Cybersecurity leaders share perspectives on challenges and best practices surrounding patient data privacy and healthcare IoT devices. Read the blog.
User access
Top User Access Review Best Practices
Learn what user access reviews are, the risks of not reviewing user access, and recommended user access review best practices. Read the blog.
Cyber insurance: Elusive. Expensive. Essential.
Cyber insurance: Elusive. Expensive. Essential.
Worried about whether you can meet rapidly changing cyber insurance requirements? You’re not alone. But there are steps you can take to help secure (and afford) protection.
Access management
What is privileged access management?
What is privileged access management (PAM)? If you need to secure information, don’t wait to find out. Read more about PAM here!
Hacking-related data breaches leverage compromised passwords
Stolen or compromised credentials are often responsible for damaging hacks. Learn how compromised passwords can lead to data breaches. Read the blog.
HIMSS 2023 booth
HIMSS23 retrospective: Future-proofing healthcare with digital identity
At HIMSS 2023, Imprivata discussed how healthcare leaders can use digital identity to enhance care, improve their security, and maximize resources.
HIMSS 2023 booth
Imprivata customers highlight success stories at HIMSS 2023
Read more about how Imprivata customers overcame their digital identity management challenges using Imprivata solutions.
Image of nurse surrounded by digital globe of healthcare icons
Healthcare and the cloud: A dynamic collaboration
Data is essential to targeted patient care, and cloud-based solutions are a cost-effective way to use data securely and effectively.
Image of the Imprivata booth at HIMSS23
HIMSS23 reflections: Customers, constraints, and cybersecurity
Imprivata CEO, Gus Malezis, reflects on a busy and successful HIMSS23 and shares what really left an impression.
Photos of hands using a mobile device
Imprivata OneSign is Google Chrome Enterprise Recommended for Clinicians
Imprivata OneSign compatibility with Google ChromeOS devices and the Chrome browser means fast, secure access, and better cost efficiency